Each tear is an unforgettable memory,
each smile is an undeniable mark,
and each heartbreak is an unerasable scar.
Take responsibility for your own happiness,
do not expect people or things to bring you happiness,
or you could be disappointed.
Sometimes we are sad,
disappointed and hurt,
but believe that God is planning the best for our lives.
If the loser keeps his smile,
the winner will lose the thrill of victory.
So keep smiling, even if you lose.
Never forget who you are.
You are beautiful.
You are strong.
You are free.
Good words can bring good smile.
Good smile bring happiness.
Happiness drive away stress & without stress,
life is a bless!
Every problem is temporary.
It just become permanent for person who think it's permanent.
You never realize how important you care for someone
until they don’t care about you.
Happiness depends on our perspective.
How we see and treat ourselves will make it what it is.
Sometimes no matter how much you love someone,
that person can’t just love you back the same way.
When you think he is you are prince charming,
but you are not his Cinderella, MOVE ON!
All about love are hard,
always hard to get,
hard to keep and hard to forget.
It is hard to find the "good" in someone
when you have already found the "best" in someone else.
I want to be that someone who can make you smile
without even doing anything.